
  • RENO R59303

    Mount to a wall, providing a 9 long right angle. The outside diameter of the tenon is 2 3/8 working perfectly with the standard Slip-Fitter accessory.
  • RENO R59305

    TheRENO-TAR4 is a steel tenon adapter that converts the top of a 4 round pole into a 2 3/8 single tenon. It is an internal fit inside of the pole, perfect for the standard Slip-Fitter accessory.
  • RENO R59306

    TheRENO-TAR5is a steel tenon adapter which converts the top of a 5 round pole into a 2 3/8 single tenon. It slips over the pole and is perfect for the standard Slip-Fitter accessory.
  • RENO R59307

    TheRENO-TAR6 is a steel tenon adapter which converts the top of a 6 round pole into a 2 3/8 single tenon. It slips over the pole and is perfect for the standard Slip-Fitter accessory.
  • RENO R59308

    TheRENO-TAS4is a steel tenon adapter which converts the top of a 4 square pole into a 2 3/8 single tenon. It is an internal fit inside of the pole, perfect for the standard Slip-Fitter accessory.
  • RENO R59309

    TheRENO-TAS5is a steel tenon adapter which converts the top of a 5 square pole into a 2 3/8 single tenon. It slips inside the pole and is perfect for the standard Slip-Fitter accessory.
  • RENO R59310

    TheRENO-TAH2is a steel tenon adapter which converts the top of a tenon extension into a 2 3/8 double arm tenon. It slips over the tenon and is perfect for the standard Slip-Fitter accessory.
  • RENO R59311

    The RENO-TAH2L is a steel tenon adapter which converts the top of a tenon extension into a 2 3/8 double arm tenon. It slips over the tenon and is perfect for the standard Slip-Fitter accessory.
  • RENO R59312

    The RENO-TAH3 is a steel tenon adapter which converts the top of a tenon extension into a 2 3/8 triple arm tenon. It slips over the tenon and is perfect for the standard Slip-Fitter accessory.
  • RENO R59313

    TheRENO-TAH3Lis a steel tenon adapter which converts the top of a tenon extension into a 2 3/8 triple arm tenon. It slips over the tenon and is perfect for the standard Slip-Fitter accessory.
  • RENO R59314

    The RENO-TAH4 is a steel tenon adapter which converts the top of a tenon extension into a 2 3/8 Quadruple arm tenon. It slips over the tenon and is perfect for the standard Slip-Fitter accessory.
  • RENO R59315

    The RENO-RBA bullhorn bracket converts a single tenon to two in line. Slip fit over a 2 3/8 tenon, two 2 3/8 tenons on top for two fixtures.